[photo, Mallard drake, Glen Burnie, Maryland]
  • From Department
  • From Units within Department

  • Mallard drake, Glen Burnie, Maryland, May 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


    Annual Internet Project Plan to Secretary of Information Technology (
    Chapter 9, Acts of 2008; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 3A-305).

    Annual List to General Assembly of recommended State acquisition projects (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-904).

    Annual Report on tree expert licensing (Chapter 197, Acts of 2005; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-419 (c)).

    Annual Report (with action plan) to Governor on forest stewardship plans & progress towards third-party certification that Department lands are managed in an environmentally responsible manner due June 1 (Executive Order 01.01.2004.21).

    Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on vessel excise tax & health of boating industry due Aug. 1, 2014 through 2016 (Chapter 180, Acts of 2013).

    Annual Report to Governor & Commission on Climate Change on departmental programs that address greenhouse gas reduction & climate change (Chapter 429, Acts of 2015; Code Environment Article, sec. 2-1305).

    Annual Report to General Assembly on administration of State Chesapeake Bay & Endangered Species Fund due Aug. 31 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 1-706).

    Annual Report to General Assembly on nutria management plan due July 1 until nutria have been eradicated (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 10-202.1).

    Annual Report to General Assembly on open space owned in each county by the State & local governments due Jan. 1.

    Annual Report to General Assembly on Program Open Space Contingency Fund due Jan. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-903.1).

    Annual Report to General Assembly on rockfish survey due Dec. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-746).

    Annual Report to General Assembly, Aquaculture Coordinating Committee, & Chesapeake Bay Program on cumulative impact of placing shellfish bags, nets, & structures on submerged aquatic vegetation due June 1, beginning 2020, & through 2024 (Chapter 238, Acts of 2019).

    Annual Report (with Department of Budget & Management) to General Assembly budget committees on Chesapeake Bay restoration expenditures due with budget submission (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 183).

    Annual Report to Legislative Policy Committee, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on fishery management plans (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-215).

    Annual Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee & House Appropriations Committee on Waterway Improvement Fund due Jan. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-707).

    Annual Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on cost-sharing program to control phragmites (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-2103).

    Annual Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on forest conservation due July 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-1613).

    Annual Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Mel Noland Woodland Incentives Fund due June 30 (Chapter 175, Acts of 2009; Chapter 330, Acts of 2011; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-307).

    Annual Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on reforestation due July 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-103).

    Annual Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on taking oysters illegally due Dec. 31, through 2021 (Chapter 520, Acts of 2018).

    Annual Report to Joint Committee on Fair Practices & State Personnel Oversight, Department of Transportation, & Office of Minority Affairs on procurement contracts awarded to minority business enterprises, including number & names of prime contractors & subcontractors due Sept. 30 (Chapter 619, Acts of 2010; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 14-305).

    Annual Report to Department of Legislative Services on proposed facility expansions, new facilities, & anticipated new positions due Sept. 1.

    Annual Report to Commission on Trauma-Informed Care on training in trauma-informed care due March 31 (Chapters 722 & 723, Acts of 2021; Code Human Services Article, sec. 8-1310).

    Annual Report to Department of Budget & Management on condition of each public improvement under its jurisdiction due May 31 (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 4-408).

    Annual Report to Department of General Services on procurement of environmentally preferable products & services, including percent of such products & services in gross purchases, due Sept. 1 (Chapter 604, Acts of 2014; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 14-405).

    Annual Report to Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator on Equal Employment Opportunity Program due Oct. 15 (Chapter 347, Acts of 1996; Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 5-205).

    Annual Report to Records Management Division of Department of General Services on forms management due July 31 (Chapter 286, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-605).

    Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on equal employment opportunity practices due Oct. 15 (Executive Order 01.01.2007.09).

    Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on personnel matters due Oct. 15 (Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 4-301).

    Annual Report to Secretary of General Services on personal records (Chapter 284, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-624).

    Biannual Report to State Treasurer on anticipated debt during next seven-month period due Jan. 1 & July 1 (Chapter 11, Acts of 1985; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 2-106).

    Biennial (now Annual) Report of Department to be published in even-numbered fiscal years (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 1-104).

    Biennial Report (with Department of Planning & Maryland Energy Administration) to Governor on cumulative environmental impact of all electric power plants operating in State (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 3-304).

    Biennial Report (with Dept. of the Environment) to Governor & General Assembly on acid deposition due Jan. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 3-3A-04).

    Biennial Report to General Assembly on Chesapeake Bay monitoring program & resources status.

    Report to public on any closing of State waters for finfishing (Chapter 500, Acts of 2004; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-215.1).

    Report to Governor on applying & implementing "Coast Smart" criteria & guidelines due Sept. 2013 (Executive Order 01.01.2012.29).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on commercial fish license & permit fee structure due Oct. 1, 2012 (Chapter 435, Acts of 2012).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on nonresident junior, regular & senior licenses issued in specified years & estimated economic benefits resulting from nonresident licenses due Dec. 31, 2017 (Chapter 260, Acts of 2015).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on Oyster Advisory Commission recommendations due Aug. 1, 2021 (interim reports due Aug. 1 & Dec. 1, 2020) (Chapters 597 & 598, Acts of 2020).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on Recreational Incentives Pilot Program due Sept. 30, 2017 (Chapter 22, Acts of 2014).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on solutions to conflicts between aquaculture & protection of submerged aquatic vegetation due Dec. 1, 2017 (Chapter 381, Acts of 2017).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on State Lakes Protection & Restoration Fund due Dec. 1, 2021 (Chapter 698, Acts of 2018).

    Report to Governor & General Assembly on water skiing hours of operation in Maynadier Creek's controlled water skiing slalom course, Anne Arundel County, due Dec. 1, 2022 (Chapter 747, Acts of 2019).

    Report to Governor, General Assembly, & Oyster Advisory Commission on study (with Maryland Center for Environmental Science) of public oyster fishery management strategies due Dec. 1, 2018 (1st interim progress report due Dec. 1, 2016; 2nd interim progress report due Dec. 1, 2017) (Chapter 703, Acts of 2016).

    Report to Governor, Senate Education, Health, & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee on harvest data for recreational striped bass fishery due Dec. 1, 2014 (Chapter 446, Acts of 2014).

    Report to Governor, Senate Education, Health, & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on obtaining more accurate harvest data for recreational striped bass fishery due Dec. 1, 2020 (Chapter 587, Acts of 2020).

    Report (with Somers Cove Marina Commission) to General Assembly on Commission's ability to operate, maintain, develop, improve, & assume costs of Somers Cove Marina due Nov. 1, 2013 (Chapter 241, Acts of 2008).

    Report to General Assembly budget committees on Chesapeake Bay stream water quality monitoring due Dec. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 71).

    Report to General Assembly budget committees on deer hunting regulations for Calvert, Charles & St. Mary's counties due Jan. 1, 2011 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 69).

    Report (with Department of Agriculture) to General Assembly budget committees on furbearer management program due Dec. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 68).

    Report (with Department of Agriculture) to General Assembly budget committees & Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Marcellus Shale energy policy on agricultural easements due Dec. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 188).

    Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee & House Appropriations Committee on Program Open Space expenditures for Advanced Option & Purchase Fund acquisitions due prior to expenditure of funds (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-904).

    Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee & House Appropriations Committee on special fund appropriations from Waterway Improvement Fund & Environmental Trust Fund due prior to expenditure of funds.

    Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee & House Appropriations Committee on State nursery plans due prior to expenditure of funds.

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on disposition of proceeds database from confiscated property used in wildlife offense due Dec. 1, 2016 (Chapter 663, Acts of 2016).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on funding policies to bolster ranks of Natural Resources Police Force & leverage revenues from public & private sectors due Oct. 1, 2011 (Chapter 367, Acts of 2010).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Natural Resources Police Force legislation to make it more effective & efficient, including potential use of technology to detect & prevent law violations due Dec. 1, 2010 (Chapter 367, Acts of 2010).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on oyster sanctuaries restoration plans due Dec. 1, 2019 (Chapters 17 & 754, Acts of 2019).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on phragmite infestation due in 2010 & every 5 years thereafter (Chapter 487, Acts of 1998; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-2103).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on pollinator habitat plan due Jan. 1, 2018 (Chapter 614, Acts of 2016).

    Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on testing of deer brought to deer processors for chronic wasting disease due Dec. 31, 2021 (Chapters 297 & 298, Acts of 2021).

    Report to Secretary of Budget & Management & Legislative Auditor on account examinations of private care providers under State contract due periodically.


    Annual Report of Aquaculture Coordinating Council to Governor, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee due Sept. 1 (
    Chapter 165, Acts of 2013; Chapter 6, Acts of 2019; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-11A-03.2).

    Annual Report of Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake & Atlantic Coastal Bays to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, House Environment & Transportation Committee, & Joint Committee on the Chesapeake & Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area on additional dwelling units constructed as part of primary dwelling units due Nov. 1 (Chapter 546, Acts of 2004; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-1808.1).

    Annual Report of Maryland Environmental Trust to Governor & General Assembly (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 3-203).

    Annual Report of Maryland Environmental Trust to Governor, General Assembly budget committees, & Department of Legislative Services on Land Trust Grant Fund due Sept. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 3-2A-14).

    Annual Report of Oyster Advisory Commission to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 31 (Chapter 114, Acts of 2007; Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-204).

    Annual Report of Rural Legacy Board to Governor & General Assembly due Nov. 1 (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 5-9A-07).

    Report of Aquaculture Coordinating Council (with Dept of the Environment) to Governor & General Assembly on how to eliminate conflicts or redundancies in oversight of aquaculture operations by Dept. of the Environment & Dept. of Natural Resources due Dec. 1, 2021 (Chapters 457 & 458, Acts of 2021).

    Report of Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee due Dec. 31, 2015 (Chapter 461, Acts of 2015).

    Report of Data Officer to State Chief Data Officer on State Data Strategic Plan compliance (Executive Order 01.01.2021.09).

    Report of Power Plant Assessment Program to Governor & General Assembly on study of nuclear energy & its potential as renewable or clean energy resource to combat climate change due Jan. 1, 2020 (Chapter 757, Acts of 2019).

    Report of Power Plant Assessment Program to Governor & General Assembly on supplemental study assessing overall costs & benefits of increasing Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard to 100% renewable energy by 2040 due Jan. 1, 2024 (Chapter 757, Acts of 2019).

    Report of Power Plant Assessment Program to Governor, General Assembly, & Public Service Commission on Maryland's long-term electricity needs & assessment of alternative sources to meet those needs due Dec. 1, 2011 & every five years thereafter (Executive Order 01.01.2010.16 revoked by Executive Order 01.01.2020.04).

    Report of Power Plant Assessment Program to Governor, Senate Finance Committee, & House Economic Matters Committee on Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard & related issues due Dec. 1, 2019 (Chapter 393, Acts of 2017).

    Report of Power Plant Assessment Program to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Economic Matters Committee on regulatory reforms & market incentives needed or beneficial for increasing use of energy storage devices in a fair way to all stakeholders due Dec. 1, 2018 (Chapter 382, Acts of 2017).

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