[photo, Light Rail train stop, Cultural Center (northbound), Baltimore, Maryland]


Annual Internet Project Plan to Secretary of Information Technology (
Chapter 9, Acts of 2008; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 3A-305).

Light Rail train stop, Cultural Center (northbound), Baltimore, Maryland, July 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on contracts for services exceeding $100,000, & sole source, emergency & expedited procurements due Sept. 30 (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 15-111).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on human resources management system of Dept. of Transportation (Code Transportation Article, sec. 2-103.4).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on transportation goals & benchmarks for Maryland Transportation Plan & Consolidated Transportation Program (Chapter 303, Acts of 2000; Code Transportation Article, sec. 2-103.1).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on Vision Zero due Dec. 31 (Chapter 377, Acts of 2019).

Annual Report to Governor & Commission on Climate Change on departmental programs that address greenhouse gas reduction & climate change (Chapter 429, Acts of 2015; Code Environment Article, sec. 2-1305).

Annual Report to Board of Public Works on Small Business Preference Program due Sept. 30 (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 14-208).

Annual Report to General Assembly on amendments of appropriations for Dept. of Transportation programs due third Wednesday in Jan.

Annual Report to General Assembly on expenditures towards bicycle & pedestrian transportation goals (Code Transportation Article, sec. 3-216).

Annual Report (with Department of the Environment) to General Assembly on any regional governmental initiative, compact, or agreement to limit or reduce greenhouse gases due Nov. 1, 2019 through 2022 (Chapters 605 & 606, Acts of 2019).

Annual Report to Joint Committee on Fair Practices & State Personnel Oversight, Department of Transportation, & Office of Minority Affairs on procurement contracts awarded to minority business enterprises, including number & names of prime contractors & subcontractors due Sept. 30 (Chapter 619, Acts of 2010; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 14-305).

Annual Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on public-private partnerships due Jan. 1 (Chapter 641, Acts of 2010).

Annual Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Complete Streets Program due Dec. 31 (Chapters 721 & 722, Acts of 2018).

Annual Report to Commission on Trauma-Informed Care on training in trauma-informed care due March 31 (Chapters 722 & 723, Acts of 2021; Code Human Services Article, sec. 8-1310).

Annual Report to Department of General Services on procurement of environmentally preferable products & services, including percent of such products & services in gross purchases, due Sept. 1 (Chapter 604, Acts of 2014; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 14-405).

Annual Report to Department of Planning on Smart Growth & Neighborhood Conservation (Chapter 759, Acts of 1997; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 5-7B-09).

Annual Report to Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator on Equal Employment Opportunity Program due Oct. 15 (Chapter 347, Acts of 1996; Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 5-205).

Annual Report to Records Management Division of Department of General Services on forms management due July 31 (Chapter 286, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-605).

Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on equal employment opportunity practices due Oct. 15 (Executive Order 01.01.2007.09).

Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on personnel matters due Oct. 15 (Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 4-301).

Annual Report to Secretary of General Services on personal records (Chapter 284, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-624).

Annual State Report on Transportation (includes Maryland Transportation Plan & Consolidated Transportation Program, containing annual report on bicycle transportation) to General Assembly due third Wednesday in Jan. (Code Transportation Article, sec. 2-103.1).

Annual Status Report on State Highway Construction Program to Governor due Sept. 30, or as soon as practicable thereafter (Code Transportation Article, sec. 8-616).

Biannual Report to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Commerce & Government Matters Committee on land exchanges due June 1 & Dec. 1 (Chapter 597, Acts of 1995).

Biannual Report to State Treasurer on anticipated debt during next seven-month period due Jan. 1 & July 1 (Chapter 11, Acts of 1985; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 2-106).

Quarterly Report to Department of Legislative Services on Executive Pay Plan due July 15, Oct. 15, Jan. 15, & April 15 (Chapter 274, Acts of 2008; Code Transportation Article, sec. 2-103.4).

Report to Governor & General Assembly on future alternative financing strategies for Red Line, Purple Line, Corridor Cities Transitway, & other relevant transportation projects due Nov. 1, 2013 (Chapter 429, Acts of 2013).

Report to Governor & General Assembly on voucher program of free or reduced fares for persons with limited household income due Dec. 31, 2013 (Chapter 429, Acts of 2013).

Report to Governor & General Assembly on pedestrian & bicycle access to schools due Jan. 1, 2020 (Chapter 295, Acts of 2018).

Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on impact of cumulative motor-fuel tax-rate increases of Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013, & the advisability of future motor-fuel tax-rate increases due Jan. 1, 2019 (Chapter 429, Acts of 2013).

Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee on bus, rail & subway services under jurisdiction of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority due Dec. 1, 2015 & every 5 years thereafter (Chapter 238, Acts of 2015).

Report to General Assembly budget committees on justification for any increase in nontraditional debt outstanding due 45 days prior to publication of preliminary official statement (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 51).

Report (with Dept. of Budget & Management, & Dept. of General Services) to General Assembly budget committees on procurement preference program for veteran- & service-disabled veteran-owned businesses due Nov. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 189).

Report (with Dept. of Disabilities & Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) to General Assembly budget committees on plan for inclusion of Authority's measures in Department of Disabilities Managing for Results submission due Sept. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 10).

Report (with Dept. of State Police & Maryland Transportation Authority) to General Assembly budget committees on legislative oversight of transportation law enforcement due Nov. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, p. 66).

Report (with Dept. of Budget & Management) to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, & House Appropriations Committee on cost & feasibility of expanding State employee transit ridership program to include Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) Train Service & Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) due Jan. 1, 2020 (Chapter 420, Acts of 2019).

Report (with Maryland Energy Administration) to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on what owners of electric vehicles pay into Transportation Trust Fund for road construction & maintenance & a plan for such owners to contribute to Transportation Trust Fund (Chapter 360, Acts of 2014).

Report to Senate Finance Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Complete Streets Program local funding match due Dec. 1, 2020 (Chapters 721 & 722, Acts of 2018).

Report (with Maryland Transit Administration & Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) to Senate President, House Speaker, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on program to place recycling bins at transit stations due Dec. 1, 2011 (Chapter 134, Acts of 2011).

Report to Legislative Policy Committee on Minority Business Enterprise Program due Sept. 30, 2021 (Chapter 340, Acts of 2017).

Report to Legislative Policy Committee on Minority Business Enterprise Program's compliance with federal law due Dec. 13, 2019 (Chapters 335 & 336, Acts of 2018; Chapters 280 & 281, Acts of 2019).

Report (with Dept. of the Environment) to Legislative Policy Committee, Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on changes in federal Clean Air Act due within 30 days of change.

Report (with Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) to General Assembly budget committees on budget deficit due 30 days after FY2011 budget is finalized (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 49).

Report to Secretary of Budget & Management & Legislative Auditor on account examinations of private care providers under State contract due periodically.

Report to State Treasurer, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on any proprosed public-private partnership due at least 45 days before issuance of public notice of solicitation (Chapter 641, Acts of 2010).

Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Health & Government Operations Committee on study concerning procurement of architectural & engineering services due Dec. 1, 2017 (Chapters 586 & 587, Acts of 2017).


Annual Report of Chesapeake Bay Bridge Reconstruction Advisory Group to Governor & General Assembly due July 1, beginning 2021 (
Chapter 611, Acts of 2020).

Annual Report of Maryland Aviation Commission to General Assembly due Jan. 15 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 5-201.2).

Annual Report of Maryland Port Administration to General Assembly on vulnerability assessments due Dec. 1 (Chapter 78, Acts of 2004; Code Transportation Article, sec. 6-210).

Annual Report of Maryland Port Commission to Governor & Legislative Policy Committee on management personnel employees & expanded scope of work due Dec. 1 (Chapter 21, Acts of 2013).

Annual Report of Maryland Port Commission to Governor & Legislative Policy Committee on management personnel of private operating companies created to operate public port facilities due Dec. 1 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 6-204).

Annual Report of Maryland Port Commission to General Assembly due Jan. 15 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 6-201.2).

Annual Report of Maryland Transit Administration to Governor & General Assembly on transit passes for patients in opioid treatment programs due Dec. 1 (Chapter 577, Acts of 2020).

Annual Report of Maryland Transit Administration to General Assembly on Maryland Senior Rides Demonstration Program due Nov. 1 (Chapter 113, Acts of 2004).

Annual Report of Maryland Transit Administration to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on farebox recovery due Dec. 1 (Chapter 684, Acts of 2008; Chapter 24, Acts of 2017; Code Transportation Article, sec. 7-208).

Annual Report of Maryland Transit Administration to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee & House Ways & Means Committee on efforts to establish a Maryland Area Regional Commuter train service from Union Station in District of Columbia through to Alexandria Station, Virginia due Dec. 1 (Chapter 30, Acts of 2021).

Annual Report of Maryland Transit Administration to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee & House Ways & Means Committee on efforts to establish a Maryland Area Regional Commuter train service between Perryville, Maryland and Newark, Delaware due Dec. 1 (Chapter 30, Acts of 2021).

Annual Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on public-private partnerships due Jan. 1 (Chapter 641, Acts of 2010).

Annual Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on status of Intercounty Connector due Dec. 1, until Intercounty Connector is completed (Chapter 567, Acts of 2008; Code Transportation Article, sec. 4-321).

Annual Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to Senate Finance Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on Third Generation-Electronic Toll Collection System due Dec. 31, through 2020 (Chapter 719, Acts of 2017).

Annual Report of Motor Vehicle Administration to General Assembly on drunk & drugged driving by juveniles & young adults (Chapter 413, Acts of 1990).

Annual Report of Motor Vehicle Administration to General Assembly on effectiveness of Chapter 683, Acts of 2000 in reducing number of outstanding arrest warrants due Oct. 1 (Chapter 683, Acts of 2000).

Annual Report of Motor Vehicle Administration to General Assembly on subpoenas, summons, & other service of process for nonresident drivers due Jan. 1 (Chapter 578, Acts of 2008; Code Courts & Judicial Proceedings Article, sec. 6-313).

Annual Report of Motor Vehicle Administration & State Highway Administration to Governor & General Assembly on how use of plug-in vehicle permits effects operation of high occupancy vehicle lanes due Jan. 1, through 2013 (Chapter 491, Acts of 2010).

Annual Report of State Highway Administration to Board of Public Works on emergency procurement contracts for pretreatment & removal of snow & ice due June 30 (Chapter 303, Acts of 2015).

Annual Report of State Highway Administration to General Assembly on construction & reconstruction program for primary & secondary highways due Jan. 15 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 8-613).

Annual Status Report of State Highway Administration to General Assembly & governing bodies of affected counties & municipalities on highway projects due Jan. 15 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 8-613.1).

Biennial Report of State Highway Administration to Governor & General Assembly on 20-year highway needs study.

Final Report of Maryland Transportation Authority on FY2024 Traffic & Toll Revenue Forecast Update.

Monthly Report of State Highway Administration to Counties & Baltimore City on highway user revenue funds (Code Transportation Article, sec. 8-413).

Quarterly Report of Chesapeake Bay Bridge Reconstruction Advisory Group to Maryland Transportation Authority (Chapter 611, Acts of 2020).

Quarterly Report to & consultation of Secretary with Chairs of Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee due beginning June 30, 2017 (Chapter 23, Acts of 2017).

Report of Central Maryland Transit Study Group to General Assembly budget committees on creating a regional transit authority for central Maryland (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2014, p. 62).

Report of Data Officer to State Chief Data Officer on State Data Strategic Plan compliance (Executive Order 01.01.2021.09).

Report of Maryland Aviation Administration to Governor & General Assembly on potential changes to State or local laws & regulations concerning regulation of unmanned aircraft systems due Dec. 31, 2018 (Chapter 164, Acts of 2015).

Report of Maryland Port Administration to General Assembly budget committees on Seagirt Marine Terminal public-private partnership due Jan. 15, 2011 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 55).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration (with Baltimore City Dept. of Transportation) to Governor & General Assembly on dedicated bus lanes enforcement due Dec. 31, 2019 (Chapter 340, Acts of 2019).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration to General Assembly budget committees on Red Line, Purple Line, & Corridor Cities Transitway due 45 days after New Starts application submitted (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 61).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration to General Assembly budget committees on revenue & expenditure options for meeting farebox recovery due Dec. 15, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 59).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration to General Assembly budget committees on third-party contract due 45 days after Board of Public Works approval (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 60).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration (with Maryland Transportation Authority) to General Assembly budget committees on notification of police consolidation due 45 days before consolidation (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 60).

Report of Maryland Transit Administration (with Dept. of Transportation & Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) to Senate President, House Speaker, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on program to place recycling bins at transit stations due Dec. 1, 2011 (Chapter 134, Acts of 2011).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to Governor & General Assembly on customer service operations due Dec. 1, 2020 (Chapter 547, Acts of 2018).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to General Assembly on feasibility of & plan for program to receive donations from E-ZPass holders to benefit Chesapeake Bay Trust due Oct. 31, 2015 (Chapter 370, Acts of 2015).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to General Assembly budget committees on proposed contract for redevelopment of Maryland House & Chesapeake House due 45 days prior to entering into an agreement (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 67).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority (with Dept. of State Police & Dept. of Transportation) to General Assembly budget committees on legislative oversight of transportation law enforcement due Nov. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 66).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority (with Maryland Transit Administration) to General Assembly budget committees on notification of police consolidation due 45 days before consolidation (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 60).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to State Treasurer, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on any proprosed public-private partnership due at least 45 days before issuance of public notice of solicitation (Chapter 641, Acts of 2010).

Report of Maryland Transportation Authority to Senate Finance Committee, House Ways & Means Committee, Cecil County Executive, Cecil County Council, Harford County Executive, Harford County Council, Mayor & City of Havre de Grace & Mayor & Town Commission of Perryville on comprehensive study of all-electronic tolling due Jan. 1, 2016 (Chapter 397, Acts of 2014).

Report of Motor Vehicle Administration to General Assembly budget committees on driving records audit due Dec. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 58).

Report of Motor Vehicle Administration (with State Board of Elections) to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Ways & Means Committee on implementation of a fully automated voter registration system at Motor Vehicle Administration due Oct. 1, 2011 (Chapter 289, Acts of 2011).

Report of Motor Vehicle Administration (with Department of Environment) to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Environment & Transportation Committee on budget & policy implications of procurement of new vehicle emissions inspection program due Jan. 15, 2022 (Chapter 670, Acts of 2021).

Report of Motor Vehicle Administration to Senate Finance Committee & House Economic Matters Committee on peer-to-peer car sharing programs due Dec. 31, 2019 (Chapter 852, Acts of 2018).

Report of Motor Vehicle Administrator to Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on personal delivery devices pilot process due Dec. 31, 2021 (Chapter 351, Acts of 2021).

Report of State Highway Administration (with Prince George's County Department of Public Works & Transportation) to Governor & General Assembly on solutions to high rate of accidents, injuries & fatalities on Indian Head Highway (MD Rt. 210) due May 31, 2021 (Chapter 586, Acts of 2019).

Report of State Highway Administration (with Dept. of Budget & Management, Dept. of State Police, & Maryland Transportation Authority) to General Assembly budget committees on long-term plan for speed cameras due 45 days prior to fund expenditures (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 185).

Report of State Highway Administration to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee & House Environment & Transportation Committee on pollinator habitat plan due Jan. 1, 2018 (Chapter 614, Acts of 2016).

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