Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466

The office of the Comptroller of Maryland was established by the Constitution of 1851 (Art. VI, secs. 1-4). Concerned about the potential for fraud and corruption in the administration of the public treasury, delegates to the 1850 Constitutional Convention established the office as a check on the State Treasurer.

[photo, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland] Duties of the Comptroller's office, beginning with the broad mandate to exercise "general superintendence of the fiscal affairs of the State", collect taxes and maintain the general ledger, are enumerated in the Maryland Constitution (Const., Art. VI, sec. 2). In contrast, the State Treasurer oversees the State Treasury, invests funds received by the State, issues and redeems bonds, and pays the obligations of State government. Whereas, the Comptroller (or deputies) countersigns all checks drawn by the State Treasurer upon the deposits of the State. The Comptroller also prescribes the formalities for transfer of other evidence of State debt, and countersigns such papers (Code State Government Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-111).

Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Many State taxes are administered and collected by the Comptroller (Code Tax-General Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-114). These include personal and corporate income taxes (including employee withholding); retail sales and use taxes; motor vehicle fuel tax; road tax on motor carriers; State tobacco tax; Maryland estate tax; excise taxes on beer, wine, and liquor; and the State admissions and amusement tax on electronic bingo and electronic tip jars. Administration of the Abandoned Property and Dormant Bank Account Laws also is a responsibility of this office.

Local admissions and amusement tax revenues are collected by the Comptroller as well. These tax rates are set by local officials, and the Comptroller distributes the local revenue to each county and Baltimore City. In addition, revenues collected by the Maryland Racing Commission, along with motor vehicle revenues, are distributed to local jurisdictions by the Comptroller's Office.

Each month the Comptroller collects license revenues, State property transfer taxes, death taxes, and real and personal property taxes from the clerks of the courts, registers of wills, and county treasurers of each county. The Comptroller also prescribes the form of all licenses required by the State licensing laws, which are issued through the clerks of the county courts. Distribution of certain taxes and revenue is made to Maryland cities, towns, and counties, and to other State agencies as prescribed by law (Code Business Regulation Article, secs. 11-401 through 11-406; Code Tax - General Article, secs. 2-201 through 2-203, 2-301, 2-302, 2-606 through 2-611, 2-614, 2-617, 2-901, 2-902, 2-1001 through 2-1004, 2-1506; Code Transportation Article, secs. 8-401 through 8-407).

By law, the Comptroller of Maryland serves on the Board of Public Works; the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation; the Board of State Canvassers; the Capital Debt Affordability Committee; the Commission on Climate Change; the Coast Smart Council; the Board of Directors, Maryland Community Investment Corporation; the Commission on the State Debt; the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority; the Maryland Food Center Authority; the Hall of Records Commission; the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority; the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System; the Board of Revenue Estimates; and the Maryland State Employees Surety Bond Committee. The Comptroller also serves on the Maryland Commission on Public Art; the Financial Education and Capability Commission; and the Maryland 529 Board.

The Comptroller is elected by the voters to a term of four years (Const., Art. VI, sec. 1). The number of terms a Comptroller may serve is not limited. Moreover, neither the Constitution nor the Annotated Code of Maryland specifies qualifications for this office. Yet, the Comptroller must give a bond and keep the office at the seat of government (Code State Government Article, sec. 4-102). The Comptroller begins his duties on the third Monday in January following election (Const., Art. VI, sec. 5).

Under the Comptroller are six main offices: Administration; Information Technology; Law and Oversight; Policy, Public Works, and Investment; Public Engagement and Communications; and Revenue Operations and Accounting.


P. O. Box 466, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466

Beginning in January 2023, all main offices of the Comptroller of Maryland began to report to the Comptroller through the Chief of Staff. Directly under the Chief of Staff is the Administration and Finance Division.


To consolidate administrative duties of the Comptroller of Maryland, the Budget and Finance Division began in 1994. It was renamed the Administration and Finance Division in 1996.

For the Comptroller, the Division administers finance, procurement and other administrative functions. It is responsible for the preparation and execution of the agency's budget, payment of invoices, accounting for expenditures of the agency, and procurement of goods and services (except for those concerned with information technology). In addition, the Division maintains a centralized mail room and supply facility, and oversees fleet management, timekeeping, and payroll.

Under the Division are four sections: Accounting and Procurement; Equity and Transformation; Government Affairs; and the Ofice of Human Resources.


The Office of Information Technology Strategy and Services organized as the Office of Information Technology in January 2023. It received its current name by November 2023.

Under the Office are Compass, the Office of Risk Management, and the Information Technology Division.


P. O. Box 2367, Annapolis Data Center, 108 Carroll St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 2367

In 1967, the Information Technology Division began as the Data Processing Division, and received its present name in July 1999.

The Information Technology Division operates a statewide computer network and provides data center disaster recovery capabilities. It also develops and maintains application systems for the Comptroller of Maryland and certain other State agencies. Moreover, the operating system and security software environment in which agency applications are executed is maintained by the Division. In addition, the Division monitors information technology-related services, and keeps records of information technology equipment inventories for the Comptroller's Office.

For the twenty-four Registers of Wills' offices throughout the State, the Division coordinates information technology services.

Under the Division are six main units: the Annapolis Data Center, Application Security, Desktop Services, Fiscal Services, Mainframe Technical Services, and Web Applications and Content Services.

The Information Technology Division operates the largest computer center in Maryland State government - the Annapolis Data Center. The Center provides mainframe processing for many State agencies, including the Maryland Department of Health; the Department of Labor; the State Department of Assessments and Taxation; and the State Retirement and Pension System; as well as for the Comptroller. The Center is a shared cost data center. All operating costs of the Center are reimbursed by user agencies that are charged for services performed.


In January 2023, the Office of Law and Oversight was formed.

The Office serves as the primary liaison to the Principal Counsel to the Comptroller of Maryland.

Under the Office are the Central Payroll Bureau and the Field Enforcement Bureau. as well as three divisions: Legal, Hearings and Appeals, and Unclaimed Property.


P. O. Box 2396, Annapolis Data Center, 108 Carroll St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 2396

Formed in 1953, the Central Payroll Bureau was authorized several years earlier by the Board of Public Works. The Bureau was created to begin a standardized system of paying wages to State government employees. Prior to its formation, each agency issued paychecks. Thereafter, the Bureau (beginning with a few agencies) extended a uniform payroll system throughout State government.

Originally, the Comptroller of Maryland and the State Treasurer jointly exercised supervision over the Bureau. This arrangement ended in 1958. Since that time, the Bureau has reported directly to the Comptroller.

The Central Payroll Bureau processes and issues paychecks to all State employees, including those in the Department of Transportation (though not the Maryland Transit Administration) and the University System of Maryland. The Bureau also handles deductions, payroll taxes, federal withholding (W-2) forms, and other payroll reports for State government.

Under the Bureau is Payroll Operations and Business Continuity, which is responsible for Accounting and Reporting, Post Payroll Audits, and Technical Services. Also, under the Bureau is the Unclaimed Property Division.

The Unclaimed Property Division administers the Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act (Code Commercial Law Article, secs. 17-101 through 17-326).


The Field Enforcement Bureau was made part of the Office of Law and Oversight in January 2023.

The State License Bureau administers and tracks 21 different business licenses issued by Circuit Court Clerks. These licenses are issued to construction companies and warehouses, hawkers and peddlers, restaurants, and traders, among others.


In January 2023, the Office of Policy, Public Works and Investment was created.

The Office builds key accountabilities into Maryland’s procurement and investment processes, improves the tracking and oversight of State contracts, and ensures that the Office of Comptroller of Maryland appropriately manages and oversees Maryland’s valuable resources. In addition, the Office supports the work of the Board of Public Works, and conducts policy research.


In January 2023, the Office of Public Engagement and Communications was organized.

The Office oversees much of the public work of the Comptroller of Maryland, including the agency’s field offices, public engagement initiatives, and internal and external communications.

Under the Office are three offices: Communications, Ombudsman, and State Public Engagement


P. O. Box 466, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466

In 1994, the Office of Revenue Operations and Accounting began as Revenue Operations, and later became Operations. It January 2023, it reorganized under its present name.

The Office of Revenue Operations and Accounting supports the Board of Revenue Estimates, and oversees five divisions: Compliance; Fraud Detection and Business Intelligence; General Accounting; Revenue Administration, and Taxpayer Services.

[photo, Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland]


P. O. Box 466, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466

Created in 1945, the Board of Revenue Estimates is concerned with revenues that will fund State government (Chapter 991, Acts of 1945). Formerly directly under the Comptroller, the Board was transferred to Operations in August 2019.

The Board reviews the findings and recommendations of the Bureau of Revenue Estimates. The Board then sends to the Governor, for submission to the General Assembly, an itemized statement of estimated revenues for the current and next fiscal years. With the itemized statement, the Board submits its recommendations to the Governor.

Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland, March 1998. Photo by Diane P. Frese.

Three ex officio members constitute the Board of Revenue Estimates: the Comptroller of Maryland, the State Treasurer, and the Secretary of Budget and Management. The Director of the Bureau of Revenue Estimates serves as Executive Secretary for the Board (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, secs. 6-101, 6-102, 6-106).

P. O. Box 466, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466

In 1945, the Bureau of Revenue Estimates was established (Chapter 991, Acts of 1945).

The Bureau studies and analyzes all sources of revenue to operate State government (Const., Art. VI, sec. 2). For the Board of Revenue Estimates, the Bureau prepares an analysis of the State's economic outlook, and the itemized statement of anticipated revenue. The Bureau also devises equitable and economical means to collect such revenue and may recommend new revenue sources. Proposals to change Maryland tax laws are analyzed by the Bureau to determine their fiscal impact.

Each year in March, September, and December, the Bureau submits to the Board of Revenue Estimates an itemized statement of estimated State revenues from all sources for the current fiscal year (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, sec. 6-104).


7 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21202

The Compliance Division originated when the Income Tax Division formed in 1937. Some of its duties also stem from the Sales and Use Tax Division which organized in 1947. Created in 1993, the Compliance Division consolidates certain functions of the former Sales and Use Tax Division and the former Income Tax Division. All tax laws administered by the Comptroller are enforced by the Compliance Division, including those relating to individual income taxes and business taxes, such as corporate income, withholding, and sales and use taxes.

The Division conducts taxpayer audits and investigations, and collects delinquent taxes. In addition, the Division levies tax assessments, processes tax appeals, and enforces sanctions, such as asset liens, and administers the Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act (Code Commercial Law Article, secs. 17-101 through 17-236; Code Tax-General Article, secs. 13-101 through 13-1104).

To access, retrieve, and record tax data, the Division uses the automated tax processing and recordation system, known as SMART (State of Maryland Tax System).

Functions of the Compliance Division are overseen by three assistant directors. One is in charge of Business Tax Audits and Business Tax Collections. One oversees Compliance Programs and Personal Income Tax Collections. The last is responsible for Hearings and Appeals.

In January 2024, the Compliance Division moved from 301 West Preston Street to 7 St. Paul Street, Baltimore,

Formerly known as Business Tax Audits and Fiscal and Accounting, this unit received its current name by March 2024.




The Fraud Detection and Business Intelligence Division formed under the Office of Revenue Operations and Accounting in January 2023.


P. O. Box 0746, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0746

The General Accounting Division was the original office of the State Comptroller, created with the establishment of the office in 1851.

The Division maintains the State's general ledger and other accounting records, centrally processes vendor invoice payments, accounts for all State funds received and disbursed, and countersigns and distributes all State Treasury checks (Const., Art. VI, sec. 2). Also, the Division prepares the State's annual financial statements.

Under the Division, the State's Corporate Purchasing-Card Program reduces the number of invoices and checks used in the purchasing and procurement process. More than 700,000 transactions are made totaling over $200,000,000 each year.

The State and federal offset program also is overseen by the Division. Under this program, vendors who are owed money from State or federal agencies may have these payments offset by the amount of tax dollars owed by those vendors.

Two sections constitute the Division: Administration, Office Systems, and Development and Vendor Services; and Financial Reporting, Operations, and Pre-Audits.


Revenue Administration Center, 110 Carroll St., Annapolis, MD 21411

The Revenue Administration Division was created in July 1993, when the revenue divisions of the Comptroller of Maryland were reorganized from a tax-type to a functional basis.

The Division processes tax returns, receiving and depositing various tax remittances; receives payments from individuals, corporations, businesses, employers, and fiduciaries; issues income tax refunds; and maintains taxpayer records. In accordance with State laws, the Division also distributes tax revenues. Part of the revenue received is distributed to Maryland's county and municipal governments (Code Tax-General Article, secs. 2-601 through 2-615).

In November 2008, registration and tax-processing functions formerly overseen by the Motor Fuel, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Regulatory Division were assigned to the Revenue Administration Division. Now, the Division administers laws and regulations concerned with the manufacture, storage, transportaton, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and motor fuel. It also collects the excise taxes related to them.

The Division's work is supported by the automated State of Maryland Integrated Tax (SMART) System. Through the System, tax return information is recorded and processed, refunds are issued for individual income taxes, and for certain other taxes, including corporate income taxes, employer witholding taxes, and sales and use taxes.


The Taxpayer Services Division started as the Taxpayer Service Section under the Revenue Administration Division. In January 2019, it reformed as a division. In January 2023, the Taxpayer Services Division was made part of the Office of Revenue Operations and Accounting.

Through its taxpayer services branch offices, the Taxpayer Services Division provides assistance to taxpayers. It answers questions about Maryland tax laws, provides free income tax preparation, and helps citizens obtain forms and instructions.

Under the Division are four sections: Administration, Correspondence and Education, Branch Operations, the Individual Contact Center, and the Business Contact Center.

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